Arranging Flowers

Jun 05, 2024
A cozy table adorned with a vase of bright sunflowers beside a simple chair, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

 A dear friend showed up with a bouquet of sunflowers when I had a gathering of friends recently. I grabbed a beautiful blue and white vase from Japan and popped them in. The rim of the vase was too wide for the bouquet, but there it was. I didn’t know how to put them together.

But then I watched a Masterclass on floral arranging and ooh, la, la, I’m hooked. I bought another bouquet of sunflowers on my way down to visit my mom. I also grabbed “filler” and when I arrived, I asked her for a vase. I cut the stems as I had just learned to and placed them in a thoughtful arrangement. The next day I went on a walk grabbed a few green leaves from the riot of wild flowers and grasses growing everywhere in Historic Downtown Ames right now. 

So, here it is. (I've added pictures of the evolution of the sunflower bouquet below) Nothing spectacular but I had so much fun doing it. That’s how it starts. Writing a book, making videos, creating a podcast, building a dream. The first few editions will be a little rough. But the only way to improve is in the act. 

I feel awkward sharing these first attempts but creative expression isn’t about perfection, it’s about the experience, the emotion, the spark of insight or conversation it evokes.

I’m conceptualizing my next piece now. There’s a huge bush of hydrangeas in the backyard – a few waiting to be showcased on the kitchen counter. I’ve not had a hobby like this for some time and it goes well with my new gardening passion. Playing with flowers. How has it taken me this long in life to tune into this incredible fun? It’s never too late for a refresh or a new gig.

If you’re in the mood to explore something new in your life, you may want to join the next free workshop on crafting your own right-fit business. 

Start The Right Business as an HSP

 Free Workshop

June 18 at Noon Central

Start or grow a microbusiness aligned with your purpose and sensitivity. Discover how to harness your unique strengths to build a business that is both fulfilling and soothing to your system in this free workshop.

Highly sensitive person (HSP) is a personality trait that 20% of the world's population has. Do you? Take this quiz to find out.

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