New Moon Intentions

Jul 17, 2023

One way to live in tune with the cycles of nature is to “plant” intentions at the new moon. Farmers have traditionally followed the moon cycles to plant as well as harvest. It makes sense. We see it in the ocean tides. As the moon waxes toward full it has a pulling upward energy. Then as it wanes, the energy is discharged.

The new moon in Cancer is happening now, Monday, July 17th at about 1:30pm central. Each moon has its own energy. Cancer, as you likely know, has a lot of mother energy so it’s a good time to focus on intentions around nurturing, home, feelings and growth.

My favorite resource on this topic is New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller. I’ve had this book since it came out in 2001. The edges of the pages are yellowing, the corners are a bit tattered and it still impresses me that she had the foresight to list new moon dates through 2050.

Do you write intentions at the new moon each month? I’d love to hear about it.

Here’s how I do it (based largely on what I’ve learned from Jan Spiller’s book).

I write in my journal where I write my daily pages. I just start a new page and list the top 7 to 10 intentions I have at the time. If there is an area of my life I want to focus on (professional work, personal health or relationships for example), I may write several intentions just in this one area.

I almost always affirm my continued excellent physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health as one of my intentions.

I write them at least a minute after (never before) and up to 48 hours after the new moon. The first 8 hours are the most potent.

I physically write with pen on paper. When I’m done, I write, “And so it is. This or something better manifests in the highest good for all.” Then I sign and date it.

I state all intentions in the positive and present tense using terms like “I am”, or “it is.” Spiller suggests the phrasing, “I want to easily find myself…” but like to use more declarative statements. Experiment to discover what works best for you.

I also love questions, like, “Why is it so easy for me to…?” The brain loves to solve problems so when a question is posed, it goes sniffing around for evidence of it. That’s what manifesting truly is. Our brain filters out almost everything. We set the filter. Writing intentions is how we do it. “Hey brain, look for this.”

Writing new moon intentions helps you articulate what’s important to you right now. Writing your goals helps you get clear on them. It’s also nice to feel a partnership with creation and taking a few moments each month to check-in helps me feel connected.

Believe and trust the process. The most important aspect of all of this is that it rings true for you. Do what feels good. Make up your own rules.

My intention for this new moon in cancer includes creating an in-person space where we can gather. I’m very excited about this and there is evidence of it happening as soon as this September.

So, tell me. What kind of gathering in person would feel nourishing for you? I’d like to offer yoga therapy and yoga nidra, essential oil education and perhaps a healing circle. I’m also considering ongoing workshops and family yoga classes, all tailored to people with neurodiversity.

If you’ve got a request for content or a time or day that works great for you, please let me know.

Finally, I love to look back on previously written intentions to see what’s happening. I look forward to looking back on these current intentions coming into being.

If you want to dive deeper into New Moon Astrology, you can get Jan Spiller’s book at my new Amazon Affiliate store.

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