Tiny Steps Are Huge

business Oct 10, 2024
Adult hands gently cradle a newborn's foot.
Last week I was with a small group of women business owners. We were sharing wins and challenges in our businesses. One woman shared that a big win for her was that she had taken a tiny step forward in a particularly challenging area of her business. We all quickly nodded and said almost in unison, “Tiny steps are huge.” It was like we were acknowledging how we’ve all felt at one time or another that we weren’t doing enough, according to conventional business standards, and that tiny steps are often what matter most.

Starting your own business can feel daunting. But just like a human baby, your business will crawl before it toddles and then walk confidently.

One of the most common comments I hear from my coaching clients is how unsteady it feels to start. There’s a myth that a business should be a business from the start. But it’s not. It’s a newborn, not yet fully formed, its personality yet to be revealed. A new business requires a lot of care, but hopefully not as many sleepless nights as with a newborn.

Watching a child learn to walk is one of the most inspiring human activities I have ever witnessed, and I try to witness it as often as I can. It’s the attitude of the emerging walker that strikes me. I can see the innate drive to succeed when this diaper-bottomed baby clambers up onto a side table, takes a step and falls on their butt. They don’t think they suck at it and should quit. They just get up, nonplussed, and try again. And again. Toddlers fall more than they walk. But they would never learn to walk if they didn’t keep trying. There’s no other option. They’re going to walk, no matter how awkward they are in the process of learning.

Tiny steps don’t get this toddler very far at first, but they’re the foundation to being able to win an olympic gold medal in track, or to enjoy walking around the lake with a friend. You might feel like this toddler’s mother at times and want to pick your business up and just carry it to the destination to save all that time and effort, but it’s in these tiny steps that you refine your form, develop strength and learn what you need to learn to do more.

Tiny steps in a new business can feel like a waste of time, or not enough to move the needle or not worth it. But it’s these tiny steps that build your business.

I would love for every new business owner to feel like this toddler. We’ve been raised with an expectation of perfection and accomplishment while the true work that takes place is hidden or downplayed. It’s these seemingly insignificant actions that add up. This is why we all nodded our heads so enthusiastically in our group.

This small steps approach is more sustainable for HSPs and leads to real business growth. These steps not only build momentum but also prevent burnout and create a more grounded, enjoyable business-building experience.

What’s one tiny step you can take today to help your business grow from a wobbly toddler to a confident walker?

 Call the person you’d love to collaborate with and offer them a valuable resource.

Sketch the outline of your fabulous free offer to engage new community members.

Create a content schedule that feels good in your bones.

Brainstorm a list of topics to write about.

Ask a recent client for a testimonial.

Tiny steps are huge. They also make your business feel less overwhelming. This is an example of how most of the business advice out there isn’t well-suited to a highly sensitive person or anyone who prioritizes nervous system regulation over hustle and grind. “Massive action” is a word I came across often in my journey through many business trainings. But massive action is a recipe for burnout. Tiny steps lead to massive results and they can be taken in the midst of a holistic lifestyle with time for play and rest.

Tiny steps reduce overwhelm and allow HSPs to stay attuned to their needs, building confidence and consistency over time. It's a method that honors both the business and the person behind it, making long-term success more likely.

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