The Energy In Your Space

Feb 12, 2025

Much of midlife is about shedding beliefs, habits, and patterns that were never truly ours. As a highly sensitive person, this includes the idea that sensitivity is a weakness or that feeling deeply is too much.

This process can be painful—but ultimately, it’s freeing.

One of the biggest myths I’m untangling is the belief that only the material world matters. This idea has been so ingrained that even leading scientists avoided discussing it for fear of damaging their careers. Einstein pointed to it over a century ago, but the truth—that everything is energy—was too disruptive. So, it was dismissed and discredited.

But ignored or not, it’s real.

Not only is the subjective realm ignored, it’s been discounted, shunned and vilified. This is a major loss. 

The physical world is like the period at the end of a sentence—visible, tangible, final. But the sentence itself, the essence of what’s being expressed, belongs to the unseen world. Our thoughts, emotions, and energy shape reality long before anything takes form.This shows up in our physical spaces. It’s the tension that lingers in a room after an argument, the quiet hum of love that fills a well-tended home, the invisible yet undeniable scent of a fresh bouquet of flowers. 

Clutter, stagnant air, and neglected corners carry energetic residue. Likewise, intentional spaces—ones that feel clear, open, and alive—support ease, creativity, and well-being. Your home, office, or workspace isn’t just a backdrop; it’s an extension of you.

You may have walked into a room where someone in a very low mood had just been and felt the heaviness in the air. Or entered a space so peaceful it instantly put you at ease. These experiences are not coincidences (or all in your head)—they’re a testament to the energy in a space. Everything that happens in a room, whether joyful, stressful, or sacred, leaves an energetic trace. Without clearing, that energy accumulates, influencing how we feel, think, and act.

We have a lifetime of cultural programming that’s led us to believe that this is burn-at-the-stake-worthy “weird” and we definitely should not do it. So, part one is to recognize and dismantle beliefs about energy. Or, to consider the deeper reasons why it’s not a part of your everyday life. Step two is to develop, refine or remember practices to keep the energy in your space clear. 

There’s a reason decluttering feels so satisfying. Removing physical and energetic stagnation makes space for new ideas, perspectives, and momentum. It’s not just about aesthetics—it’s about alignment. When your space reflects who you're becoming, rather than what you’ve outgrown, life flows with ease.

For solopreneurs and creatives, workspace energy is especially crucial. If you sit down at your desk and feel scattered, uninspired, or weighed down, it may be your space. The energy of your surroundings can impact decision-making, confidence, and even how potential clients engage with your work. By tending to your space, you’re tending to your business’s foundation. As a sensitive person, you tend to feel the energy more and benefit more from a clear space. When you pay attention to the energy in your space, you can influence your own energy including your thoughts, emotions and physical health. 

Energetically cleaning up your space is just as important as physically sweeping, wiping and dusting.

Clearing your space isn’t just about cleanliness; it’s about intention. Whether through sound (bells, clapping, music), scent (sage, palo santo, essential oils), or movement (opening windows, rearranging furniture), you can refresh and reset the energy of a space. This isn’t woo-woo, as the dominant culture would like us to believe —this is a universal truth. Indigenous cultures, feng shui traditions, and even modern psychology recognize the impact of space on well-being.

Every object in your home carries an energy. Some things uplift you, others subtly drain you. If you’re feeling stuck, uninspired, or restless, take a look at what’s around you. Do certain items bring up old emotions? Do they represent a past version of yourself? Do you have unfinished projects staring at you? Awareness is the first step in reclaiming the energy of your space—and, by extension, your own energy.

Look around. What is your space saying to you? More importantly, is it what you want to hear?

If not, make a practice of intentionally clearing your space at the end or beginning of each work day. Notice how it feels.

If you’d like help with this process, I’m offering a spring special on Space Clearing. Here.

This is among the business advice you won’t typically find. But it’s the kind of business strategy that can turn an overwhelming business into one that’s energetically aligned, attracts your best clients and is sustainable for years to come. 

Now, go zhuzh up your space.

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