How to Feel “YES” In Your Body
Jul 17, 2024You already know this. This is a reminder. An affirmation. The human body is alive with sensation. Sensation is the language of the body. A zing twirls through the stomach. Fluffy pink flower petals flutter and expand in the heart. Dry mouth. Cold feet. Hot under the collar. Like the second language learned in high school that fades from disuse, we lose our fluency with this humming, vibrant being as we fall into the routines of life.
A highly sensitive person has even greater access to this kaleidoscope of information that is this human body. And oftentimes, we’ve shut it down, masked it, and told it was wrong to follow its guidance. I’ve written about this in previous posts, Back Into The Body and Expanded Consciousness.
At a time when disinformation runs rampant, I find it ever more important to turn to my own body’s Truth. I don’t need to wonder or worry or try to figure it out. I can get quiet and listen for my truth signals. We all have them. They’re specific body sensations that indicate YES. They’re different for each one of us, but I’ve found these signals to be reliable and accurate.
My truth sensations include welling up and goosebumps. The welling up includes an expanded feeling of fullness in my chest often paired with my eyes welling up with tears. This welling up feeling hit me like a truck when I stepped out onto the rim of the Grand Canyon, one of Mother Nature’s greatest truths. I got it when I walked up to a 3-story tall Kuan Yin statue in Thailand. I also got it when a new business idea came to me. It’s a big full-body Universe-style YES. It means to me, “THIS is the Truth.”
Goosebumps are more common. I can see the hair on my forearms rise and feel the tingle just beneath the skin. It typically happens when in conversation with someone else. We’re speaking the truth to each other, and my body says, YES
I also like to let my body lean into a yes or no. I stand facing North and take a moment to breathe and feel grounded. I start with the statements, “Show me a yes” and then, “Show me a no.” To get a baseline. Then, I make a statement and feel into the direction my body is leaning. Forward leaning is a yes in my body. Falling back is a no. It’s been funny to experience a very strong lean in one direction like my body is shouting at me, “Of course!” or “No way!”
Yours may be a feeling of heaviness vs. lightness or tingling in different areas of the body. If you’re new to this technique, practice with small and obvious stuff first. “Is my name Mira?” “Am I holding an apple?” There’s incredibly powerful and deeply entrenched cultural conditioning that causes us to doubt our own inner wisdom. It’s like a muscle that needs to be strengthened again.
How do you feel YES in your body? It’s worth re-connecting with this body barometer. Rather than listening to a lot of news, I get quiet and listen to my body. The more of us who are doing this, the more Truth will reveal itself. From this Truth we can make wise and empowered decisions for the good of all.
Highly sensitive person (HSP) is a personality trait that 20% of the world's population has. Do you? Take this quiz to find out.
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